Welcome, Adjuncts
The Center for Transformative Teaching & Learning (TTL) welcomes our adjunct/part-time faculty. Adjunct/part-time faculty contribute to the university community, and their professional experience and scholarly expertise is greatly valued. The JFA webpage is designed to provide adjunct/part-time faculty with current information related to orientation, professional development, and support services.
Get Started
Did you know that we have an Adjunct/Part-Time Faculty Canvas Organization? The Adjunct/Part-Time Orientation & Resources Canvas Organization provides adjunct faculty with the opportunity to interact, collaborate, and explore innovative pedagogical methods and instructional technologies. If you are an adjunct/part-time faculty member and not enrolled in this organization, please join us by emailing adjuncts@rrmbaojie.com.
TTL sponsors events designed to create a collegial network among all faculty. The events provide opportunities to explore innovative pedagogical methods and instructional technologies that support the mission of the university.
Explore Our Resources
- Campus Closure Policy
- Campus Maps
- Emergency Alert System
- Faculty/Staff Directory and Contact Information
- Faculty Handbook
- For information related to adjunct faculty categories, definitions, salaries, benefits, teaching loads, voting privileges, evaluations, and advancements in rank refer to Section 4.6 of the Faculty Handbook.
- Human Resources Onboarding Information
- Identification Cards
- Organizational Chart
- Parking & Parking Passes
- Academic Calendar
- Bookstore Textbook Order Form (look for an email from the below address several months in advance of a new semester)
- Email 0957txt@follett.com
- Class Rosters & Grading
- Course Destinations – Determine the Type of Course You Are Teaching
- Course Syllabus Template
- Technology Getting Started Guide
- Office of the Registrar – Final Exam Schedule
- Distance Education Resources
- SU Acronym Cheat Sheet
- Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning (TTL): TTL supports initiatives and programs in advising, pedagogy, instructional technology and instructional design in cooperation with the Faculty Senate and departments across the university.
- Information Technology:
- Email helpdesk@rrmbaojie.com or call 540-665-5555
- Learning Support Services:
- Student Support Services: Student Support Services implements tutoring programs, study skills courses, services for students with disabilities, and academic counseling.
- Math Enrichment Center: The Math Enrichment Center offers free math tutoring in all disciplines in a variety of formats.
- Writing Center: The Writing Center offers free one-to-one writing instruction in all disciplines in a variety of formats.
- University Libraries Faculty Information: The University Libraries develop, organize, and enable access to quality collections; provide information services; and engage in teaching, research, and service.
If you do not see what you need or have any questions, email adjuncts@rrmbaojie.com.