Professor Emeritus, Associate Professor of NursingEmail: mmorrow@rrmbaojie.com
Educational History:
Ph.D in Nursing and MSN from George Mason University, FNP from University of Virginia, BSN from State University of New York at Binghamton, Diploma in Nursing from St. Joseph’s Hospital School of Nursing, Elmira, N.Y.
Fields of Expertise:
My area of expertise is Family Practice and Primary Care. My back ground is emergency nursing and pediatrics.
Professional Highlights:
I recently accompanied a team from Shenandoah to Vieques, off Puerto Rico, on an alternative Spring Break Mission trip. It was wonderful to see the students give so much of themselves and all their hard work. We completed an awesome concrete sidewalk that was greatly needed by the church community.
Personal Quote:I have always thought education was important. Education sets you free, it opens doors that often would remain closed. I consider it a privilege to assist someone in continuing their education. I enjoy teaching at Shenandoah because its mission includes assisting individuals to realize their dream of education.
Personal Highlights:
I am married and have two grown sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law, three beautiful grandsons and a granddaughter. I enjoy reading and needlework when I have time and am learning Spanish and Tai Chi. I volunteer several days a month at two free medical clinics as a Nurse Practitioner and serve on the Board of Directors for one. I also enjoy teaching first aid merit badge to neighborhood BSA troops.